You have a regular practice that connects you with that inner essence. You see things that you didn’t see before. Do you have a safe space to explore this inner world?
If you have a practice that you stick to but still feel that you outside that practice – in the messiness of everyday life – you are still stuck in patterns that no longer serve you, you are not alone.
It’s time to integrate your practice with your whole life, after all, to heal is to be whole. Through non-dual psychotherapy we can take that connection you feel on the mat to every context of life, even those that on the surface feel like the opposite of yoga.
In my work, we’ll explore trauma and nervous system regulation so you can find balance through your body, with a model that is inspired in the Upanishads and yogic philosophy, and that provides healing you can actually feel.

My own path began over 20 years ago and involved first and foremost healing myself, which led to the exploration of a vast amount of spiritual and not-so-spiritual practices, with all the resulting trial and error. It took longer than I had envisioned and hurt more than I could ever had imagined, and the result is not that I am finally “healed”… but it’s that I would choose this path again if I had the choice.
Today I choose to share what I learned to transform my pain into a gift for others who need similar healing.
Sound familiar?
Even after years of regular practice, we can stay stuck like we’re going round in circles. Here are some signs that it might be time to release blocked emotions:



Meditation Workshops

Over the past 10 years I’ve been exploring the worlds of psychology and spirituality, delving into parts work, trauma healing, psychedelics and many more different paths.